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Who thought that a simple content developer can create a visual content as well? Not me at least. After all, I always belonged to that group who believes:

“Content developers create an imaginary world with words and graphic designers play with images to put words into life”.

But not anymore!! Grmtech broke, thrashed and dumped my idea into dustbin. And thank god for that. I finally turned into a ‘puchku’ graphic designer. 😛 I mean I would always love to think like that. (lol)

My first stint with infographic

Never even in my wildest dreams did I ever think that one day I will create an infographic – and that too on my own. But, a fellow Grmtechian (Saptak Bhattacharya) made it possible for me and I would always be grateful to him. Thanks Saptak!!! You made me realize that technology and little innovation can create magical things. 🙂

He showed me a tool where anyone can create professional and visually appealing infographics, presentations, web banners, reports and resumes within a few hours. Initially, when he gave a demo, I watched and thought silently -” Can I ever create an infographic using this tool? It looks simple but simple things often turn out to be the toughest challenges you ever come across. Eerk!!!”. But inspite of my hesitations, I decided to give it a try as it intrigued me.

My first stint with infographic was on Easter celebration. Once I was done with my research, I created my account in that amazing website ( and then embarked on my journey towards creating a visual content. The online tool is really good. You get plenty of options to choose the type of visual content you want to create. Once you select your preferred option (mine was infographic), then you’ll get tons of assets at your fingertips to bring ideas into life. You can add and edit text, shapes, images, charts, videos, music and what not. The free version will give you all the options apart from the videos and music. Nonetheless, the other options are enough to complete your work.

I won’t lie. Initially, I faltered, did mistakes and got confused. But Manojit Sir and Saptak encouraged me a lot. And after a few hours of editing, correcting my mistakes, I was finally able to finish the infographic.

Few words I must say

This infographic taught me 2 things. First, it taught me how to conceptualize and create visual content. Secondly, it increased my respect for the graphic designers. The work they do is really marvellous. What I made was a basic infographic (and that too with a help of tools and various features) and what they do is put their imaginative powers into work and create beautiful visual content from scratch. Hats off!!!

Fellow grmtechians – I have only one thing to say. Try it if you’re interested. My experience was amazing. Hope you’d have even a better experience.